Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Arrest made in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

You know that blue screened federal government warning everyone ignores before your DVD/Bluray movie begins? Be warned that it's taken very seriously! It looks like an arrest has officially been made during the Wolverine Origins fiasco according to CNET.

FBI Agents arrested 47 year old Gilberto Sanchez (not pictured) for allegedly uploading the entire film online for the world to share. If he's convicted, he's looking at 3 years in prison along with a $250,000 fine. When X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released on May 1st 2009, it's commercial release was preempted by a premature (illegal) release over the internet, a month early to be exact.

Stunts like this potentially make-or-break box office numbers, not to mention perception of the movie by critics. Remember Ang Lee's Hulk? I don't recall how well it did in the box office (couldn't have been ground breaking because that movie was terrible to begin with), but the pre-rendered CGI didn't resonate well with those that didn't see the final product which carried over into the official release... classic case of judging a book by its cover.

Personally, I'm in no hurry to view movies prematurely before their original release dates. There is a "lack of quality" that diminishes the movie experience no matter how high-quality the illegal copy is. Hell, when it comes to movie trailers, I'd rather see an official release over an amateur recording from someone's cell phone.

Read the full article here.

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