Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Superman Batman: Public Enemies finally has a release date!

It's about time! As much as I enjoy the campy tongue-in-check Batman: The Brave and the Bold (as it's clearly catered for kids), I'm ready for some PG-13 action! The feature length film will be based on the comics series put together by Ed McGuiness and Jeph Loeb.

Read what the DVD/BluRay will contain here.

Transformers Box Office Blow Out?

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: How in the world did a film that's currently rated at 20% on Rotten Tomatoes gross over two hundred million ($201.2 million) over the five day opening week? I knew this summer movie was going to be a hit, but I never thought it would nip at the heels of The Dark Knight which grossed 203.8 million, and The Dark Knight was a great movie. I have yet to see this movie for myself so maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge, but I find this awfully surprising. Let's see how its sophomore week at the box office does.

Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson: August 1958 - June 2009

Yesterday was a sad day for the music industry as Michal Jackson died from a heart attack yesterday afternoon. Despite all the weirdness that surrounded his later years in life, you can't deny that he was a worldwide inspiration for the masses, truly being the voice of a generation alongside musical artists such as the Beatles and Elvis Presley. Growing-up in the eighties, Michal Jackson was the biggest musical icon that I've ever known. Who didn't want to put on a single white glove and wear that zippered red leather jacket. Or move with a certain swagger when Billy Jean played on the radio. Michael "The King of Pop" Jackson, you will be missed.

One thing I found very interesting about his unexpected death was how quickly it flew through the social media space. I didn't hear it from any of the major news networks, rather, I found out about the sad news via Twitter and Facebook. Interesting to see how social media has really made an impact, and how quickly information can spread via word-of-mouth through the Internets. It hasn't been twenty-four hours yet since the announcement of his death and controversy is already brewing out in cyberspace. Hell, my blog post is miles behind the rest of the blogosphere.

Watchmen to hit BluRay on July 21st

I know the next BluRay purchases I'll be making at the end of July. Not only will Watchmen be coming out, 300: The Complete Experience will be hitting store shelves as well. I'm sure both will be packed with extras galore! Regarding Watchmen, I can't wait to see what the store exclusives will be, I can already imagine all the Rorschach and Manhattan gimicks that will be bundled with the BluRay release!

I can be on Smallville? Really?

I blogged about an advertisement very similar to this regarding The Dark Knight, seeking extras to be on the third Batman film. Hate to break it to you, but it's not real. I couldn't help but notice it carried over into Smallville! I didn't click on this ad, but I know exactly it's intent. It's meant to farm your personal information so whoever is behind it can sell you things you won't want.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

General Zod

In addition to Brian Austin Green playing Metallo, Smallville will be getting a new heavy hitter villain, Zod! British actor, Callum Blue will be playing Gneral Zod as he demands everyone to kneel before him! Villain wise, it looks like they're not holding back, I'm definitely excited for the new season to begin.

Read the full article here.

Transfromers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

This morning at 12:01AM, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen hit theaters for the masses wanting to get an early jump on the box office weekend. A friend of mine invited me to join him for the midnight show, but I was unable to make it not only because I was tired, but it never really crossed my mind to catch a midnight showing for this film. Originally, I was unenthusiastic about the first film, thinking "Great, another 80's rip that will do nothing but tarnish my childhood memories!" but walked away genuinely entertained. I'm hoping this sequel will have the same affect, but something tells me the the odds are highly stacked against it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is the Iron Man 2 teaser poster?

I really hope this is just a fan made imaged because this is not the most eye-catching teaser poster I've ever seen. Especially for the huge blockbuster that was Iron Man. If it is real, did they run out of ideas over there? Were there not enough iconic images in Iron Man to drum up a witty teaser poster? The bigger question, is this going to be a reflection of the film? I sure hope not!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland!

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland is set to be released January 26th, 2010 starring Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway as Alice, The Mad Hatter and The White Queen respectively. Other actors on the film include Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman and Crispin Glover.

Alice In Wonderland seems perfectly fitted as a Tim Burton film. Watching the original animated film, it doesn't take a genius to point out how dark the film is with it's underlining twisted atmosphere. Talk about the right fit!

The Mad Hatter
The Red Queen
The White Queen

I think I found something I'd wait in line for at SDCC 2009... umm... sort of!

DC Direct has revealed their San Diego Comic Con 2009 exclusive. It's going to be the Hal Jordan figures from the Blackest Night saga. Unfortunately, they will have a different figure every day. Yes! Everyday! Here's the specific schedule:

Wednesday (Preview Night) - July 22 - 6:00 pm Hal Jordan: Green Lantern - 3,000 pieces available

Thursday, July 23 - 10:00 am Hal Jordan: Yellow Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Friday, July 24 - 10:00 am Hal Jordan: Blue Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Saturday, July 25 - 10:00 am Hal Jordan: Orange Lantern - 1,500 pieces available
Sunday, July 26 - 10:00 am Hal Jordan: Red Lantern - 1,500 pieces available

I'm a fan of the book and an even bigger Green Lantern fan, but I can see this thing getting out of control, the scalper brigade will be in full force!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pixar grants a dying girl her last wish

There's a reason why Pixar always takes the box office by storm and holds a special place in the hearts of their audience. It's because they know their audience. This particular story is definitely one that pulls at the heart-strings.

"The 10-year-old girl desperately wanted to see the new Disney-Pixar movie, "Up." But the cancer-stricken girl was too sick to go to a theater. Thanks to a family friend who got in touch with the movie studio Pixar, an employee of the Emeryville-based company arrived at Colby's home with a DVD copy of the movie. The Orange County Register reported Friday. The girl died later that night. Colby's mother, Lisa, said she had asked her daughter if she could hang on until the movie arrived. "I'm ready (to die), but I'm going to wait for the movie," she said her daughter replied."

You can read the full story here.

The Joker isn't just a Batman skin!

The PS3 version of Batman Arkham Asylum allows you to create your own chaos by roaming the halls of Arkham as The Joker. What's great about this exclusive game play is that The Joker has his own way of doing things. It's not Batman remodeled into Joker. Check out the video and you'll see what I'm referring to. I drooled a little bit watching this video!

Check out more game play here!

Iron Munn 2

It's confirmed, my favorite host from G4's Attack of the Show will be appearing in Iron Man 2, Olivia Munn! Although she hasn't revealed the role she'll be playing, she will be involved in some way shape or form. It seemed convenient that a few months ago she was tweeting on the set of Iron Man 2, while hinting she was going to be involved in a major blockbuster film. I had a feeling she was involved with Iron Man 2. Her Playboy cover conveniently hits stands in the next few weeks! Talk about icing on the cake... or pie in this case!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brian Austin Green will be Metallo on Smallville

If you ask me if Smallville has jumped the shark, I'd say far from it. I find Smallville more entertaining than ever. It looks like next season Brian Austin Green will be joining the cast of Smallville as eveyone's green hearted villain Metallo. I actually thought he did a great job on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles in addition to his impressive dating record (ala Vanessa Marcil, Tiffany Amber Thiesen, Megan Fox, etc.) I hope he does well on Smallville!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

20th Anniversary Batman on BluRay

For my birthday, my buddy got me the 20th Anniversary BluRay Edition of Tim Burton's Batman. It's a really impressive piece as the BluRay case is actually a a mini book that archives some of Batman's root history. It's still the size, and width of a normal BluRay case making it a perfect fit for your BluRay collection display. In addition to the high definition picture and sound you'd expect, this BluRay is packed with extras which I quickly toggled through last night. Included are three music videos with Prince's Batdance listed as number one. I like Prince, but not for Batman... ughh! Burton said himself in the commentary that choosing Prince on the soundtrack horribly "dates" this movie. One feature I liked was the costume designers that put the Batsuit together and how they justified not being able to move his neck to make his body turn more dynamically, coining the phrase "the Bat turn." I couldn't stop laughing. Overall, every Batfan should own this BluRay!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Be ready for D-Day, get your Terminator Salvation Boots!

I know there are some die-hard Terminator fans out there. I wonder how many of them are lining up for a pair of these. I have to admit, they don't look half bad. I can only assume they are quality boots as they're manufactured by Oakley. Then again, I think eye-wear is their specialty.
Buy a pair here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ryan Reynolds to helm Deadpool Update

In this article, you'll see that Ryan Reynolds addresses fan concerns, that they may give Deadpool the Hollywood treatment and deviate far from the source material to give it a glitz and glamor appeal to ultimately boost box office ratings. Apparently, Reynolds will have complete control on how to portray the character, and being a fan himself, will be sure to do justice by giving fans what they want. As promising as this sounds I have five words for you: Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider!

You can read the full article here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Iron Man 2 - Whiplash

Looks like the fight for Mickey Rourke was worth it. Talk about a comeback, first the Wrestler, now Iron-Man 2. Here's the latest picture of Rourke in costume. I've added a picture of the comic inspired villain for good measure. Iron-Man 2 hits theaters on May 7th, 2010

You can read the source article here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Movie Review: Pixar's "Up"

It was my birthday yesterday and I couldn't think of a better movie to watch than "Up." Here is my review on the latest Pixar film. Spoilers ahead.

If you've seen the trailers for this movie, you've noticed the main character is a retired-aged man and that the only presence of youth was from the Asian kid and a talking dog. Well, that was pretty much the cast of "Up." I waked into this movie with high expectations.

"Up" starts off as a love story, the love a child has for exploration and adventure which eventually focuses on the love of a man and a woman, Carl and Ellie. "Up" is classic boy meets girl tale that portrays Carl and Ellie's common interests in adventure. The first part of the film shows how the relationship between Carl and Ellie blossom from friendship to marriage. They live long fruitful lives, making their trip to South America a common life goal. Unfortunately, real world issues derail their plans forcing them to set their goals back. In their old age, Carl decided to take the plunge and purchase two flights to South America. Unfortunately, old age catches up with Ellie as she passes away. The movie continues as Carl makes it his goal to finally make it to South America.

If you can suspend your disbelief of an old man literally moving a house, helium lasting for more than twenty-four hours and dogs that know how to cook steak and pour wine you'll find this story to be very heart-felt. If you were a fan of Toy Story, you can definitely see that Pixar is grow-up with their movies. They surface topics such as old age and death, yet make it entertaining for a five-year-old to enjoy. All the references to Ellie after she died really pulled at the heart-strings, at some points in the movie, I found my eyes getting a bit watery. The pacing of the film was handled well, especially the beginning of the movie. With very little dialogue, you were able to live in Carl and Ellie's world which made for good character development. Russel and Doug, the Asian kid and talking dog respectively, provided a majority of the humor. I hate to say it, but Russel reminded me of the curly haired kid from Billy Bob Thornton's "Bad Santa." A little goofy and clumsy. They fit well into the storyline as the humor bounced back and forth among the group.

Overall, this was a good movie. Another homerun for Pixar.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jonah Hex

My first time seeing Jonah Hex was on Batman: The Animated Series. He was portrayed as Batman of the old west. If you already haven't heard, or haven't already seen pictures of Megan Fox in that corset, Jonah Hex is being adapted into a feature length film slated to be released August 2010. Staring Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex, the cast also includes John Malkovich, Will Arnett and Megan Fox. If you ask me, the only thing that's keeping this movie from being great is Ms. Club Thumbs herself, Megan Fox. I hope her part is as minimal as possible. Otherwise, it looks like they've done a pretty good job capturing Hex's look.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hot Toys: Silk Spectre

It looks like Malin Akerman as the Silk Spectre will be next in line to get the Hot Toys treatment. With the level of detail Hot Toys painstakingly puts in their 1/6th scale figures, I'm sure this will turn out well. I must admit, I can see the difficulty in capturing the female form while not sacrificing articulation. You'll find this commonly among smaller female action figures that have more than five points of articulation (ala Marvel Legends). I will be really impressed if the final product looks like these released pictures.

Project Natal: Watch out Wii

At E3 2009, Microsoft revealed their latest in video game technology, Project Natal. I'm not sure if this is a concept video, but it's impressive none the less. If you watch the video, you'll clearly see how different and more innovative this is than the Wii. I'm getting a "Stark Industries meets Nintendo" vibe. The idea here is that "your body is the control" utilizing speech, gestures, and full body motion. If Microsoft pulls this off, this will revolutionize the console gaming industry, similar to how the iPhone revolutionized the mobile industry. If this is the next generation of console gaming, count me in!

Monday, June 1, 2009

So how saw the MTV movie awards last night?

The prestigious MTV Award carries its own unique weight of achievement, but let's face it, it's not the Oscars or the Golden Globes. However, it does carry it's weight in entertainment and style, not to be confused with class. You don't have to work in the advertising business to know that the MTV Movie Awards is an advertising venue for upcoming movies and music, rather than a legitimate award show of achievement. Even the "Viewers Choice Award" is skewed because of the audience that MTV attracts. This doesn't mean I don't like the yearly show, I just don't get offended when Twilight is picked as movie of the year over The Dark Knight.

The most controversial moment of the night was Bruno's introduction. This is Sasha Baron Cohen's latest persona for his next movie Bruno. Bruno was introduced with a grand flying entrance dressed as some sort of angel-stripper hybrid. In mid-flight, his wire gets caught among the rafters, and is slowly let down revealing his bare ass covered only by a skimpy thong. Where does he end up landing? Right on Eminem's face... LITERALLY! From head-to-toe and toe-to-head, Eminem got more than he bargained for that night!

Eminem was clearly infuriated! Not only was the majority of the dialogue silenced due to all the profanity, but Eminem and his entourage got up and left the show. I'm still trying to figure out if this whole ordeal was staged, as I find it surprising that his entourage didn't stop Bruno sooner. Aren't entourages' the celebrity equivalent of secret service agents? I mean, they were laughing while Eminem looked cold-hard-pissed! I also find it a bit ironic that Eminem, who is the king of slinging insults, was pushed over the edge by this stunt. Who knows! All I know, is that Bruno is going to make a killing at the box office!