Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The results are in.. the Blackberry Storm sucks!

Taking a few steps back, if anyone were to dethrone the iPhone as the "jesus-phone" it would've been Blackberry and team RIM. Unfortunately, they failed... and I'm not surprised.

Blackberry takes pride in being able to seamlessly integrate work into a mobile medium. However, Blackberry's focus on work is where the iPhone shines. At the end of the day, you are no longer a corporate cog, rather, you transform into a real person.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shopping for comics! Really?

I was at my local comic shop a few weeks ago and guess who I found browsing the trade paper back aisle? Yup... Sandman himself! You'll remember him from Sam Raimi's cryfest, Spider-Man 3!

Hulk Need Fiber!

Leterrier did a great job breathing new life into the Incredible Hulk. He did a much better job giving fans what they wanted... more "Hulk SMASH" and less "Hulk trash!" If you ask me, it's a great realization for Hollywood, movies that steer away from their source material [comic books] will end up in the toilet. Or worse... the "2 for $5" DVD bins at Walmart! Leterrier went in the right direction. A serious movie, for serious movie goers who know that "Hulk Poodles" have no place in the Marvel universe.

But let me get this straight... the Incredible Hulk is rated PG-13 right? Well, I happened to run across this game that made me laugh. It's recommended for children aged 6-12. I particularly got a kick out of the constipated look on his face. "Hulk need fiber!" If kids are interested in seeing a Veggietales version of The Incredible Hulk, they are in for a surprise!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog numero uno

I'm back! Did you miss me? Ha, I didn't think so! Well, it's been a lifetime since I last blogged and I'm looking to start with a fresh new platform. Here! I've thought about some of the old blogs I used to maintain, if you can consider blogging once every two months maintenance. Well... I think I'm going to change things up a little. I plan to think a little less about what to write and accepting the fact I'm not changing the world with this blog. Stay tuned...