Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Superheroes exist, and they're from Cincinnati

Real people fighting real crime! Armed with legally purchased weapons and tools such as pepper spray and handcuffs, these masked crime fighters are taking part in cleaning up their communites by stopping crimes and making citizen arrests. "We will intervene on crimes if there is one happening in front of us."

Still disguised, their real identities are unknown. Shadowhare from Cincinnati, Aclyptico in Pennsylvania, Wall Creeper in Colorado and Master Legend in Florida. Apparently they've band together to form the "Allegiance of Heroes."

I can't wait to see who my local superhero will be. Read the full article here.

Frank Quitely & Grant Morrison's Batman & Robin No.1

DC Comics presents Batman and Robin illustrated and written by Frank Quitely and Grant Morrison respectively. Per DC Comics:

"Batman Reborn" begins here! With the reunited team of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, WE3,New X-Men), this first issue kicks off a 3-part story arc that can't be missed! The new Dynamic Duo hit the streets with a bang in their new flying Batmobile as they face off against an assemblage of villains called the Circus of Strange. They also tackle their first mission investigating a child who's been abducted by the mysterious Domino Killer. But will everything go smoothly? And who exactly are the new Batman and Robin? The newest era of The Dark Knight begins here!"

Here is some sample art for the book which will be debuting in June09:

We are so NOT done professionally!

Just when you thought Batman Begins couldn't get any better, Christopher Nolan and crew flip our worlds upside down and come out with the ground-breaking, Golden Globe and Oscar winning film The Dark Knight! Not to mention it's one of the highest grossing movies in film history! Is Christian Bale in-it-to-win-it for a third Batman installment? Obviously with his own personal reservations... Yes, he's in! Here are some of Christian Bale's thoughts:
"I would like it if people say, 'You'll never make a good third movie.' I say, 'OK, let's make a third movie in that case, let's prove them wrong. But that's just me. The fact is, I have to! I've signed up! Chris doesn't. So I'm in a bit of a fix if he says he doesn't want to!"
-Christian Bale

Read the full article here.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Batman Spotted in Bangkok!

You heard that right, looks like everyone's favorite caped crusader is fighting crime one country at a time... well... not really.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Hollywood heartless enough to report how the Swine Flu will affect box office numbers? Yes!

There is something very disheartening about this headline: "Swine flu may hurt 'Wolverine' bow - Deadly outbreak could hurt pic's openingDeadly outbreak could hurt pic's opening" I don't know about you, but I think the health of a country is way more important than a pretty boy Wolverine.

Currently, Mexico is under high alert for a devastating strain of flu that has already claimed over 100 lives, the Swine Flu. Public places that are normally crowded with locals and tourists are now empty, including theaters. for fear of catching or spreading this deadly flu.

Variety is reporting concerns about Wolverine's opening box office weekend, how revenue could be greatly affected by the number of people avoiding theaters, specifically in Mexico. Although they acknowledge the tragic spread of this ongoing epidemic, I can't help but think WTF does Wolverine have to do with anything in the matter? Now where's my surgical mask?!?!

A David vs.Goliath Story: The King of Kong

If you've never seen the documentary King of Kong, here is the plot summary per IMDB:

"In the early 1980s, legendary Billy Mitchell set a Donkey Kong record that stood for almost 25 years. This documentary follows the assault on the record by Steve Wiebe, an earnest teacher from Washington who took up the game while unemployed. The top scores are monitored by a cadre of players and fans associated with Walter Day, an Iowan who runs Funspot, an annual tournament. Wiebe breaks Mitchell's record in public at Funspot, and Mitchell promptly mails a video tape of himself setting a new record. So Wiebe travels to Florida hoping Mitchell will face him for the 2007 Guinness World Records. Will the mind-game-playing Mitchell engage; who will end up holding the record?"

The television promo's hyped this documentary as a modern day David versus Goliath tale, and boy does it deliver. I couldn't help how captivated I was by this movie, cheering for the underdog Steve Wiebe, while booing the over zealous egotistical Billy Mitchell. The movie doesn't tag them as good or bad, but it's pretty clear cut who is the most favored and true at heart.

On June 2nd, Wiebe will dazzle us again by attempting to break the Donky Kong Jr. record yet again, live on G4TV. The network is apparently putting all normally scheduled programming aside to witness this monumental event!

Going gaga for trailers: Transformers-Revenge of the Fallen

Years ago, when news of a live action Transformers movie was being made, I was extremely skeptical about it being anywhere near good. When the movie was released, I walked into the theater with no expectations. To make a long story short, I walked away from the film pleasantly surprised. Now that the sequel is underway, I have to say my excitement has defaulted back to skepticism as I try to erase the retrospective memory of Shia LeBouf and Megan Fox's horrible acting and their atrocious prefabricated chemistry. I must say that Megan Fox being easy on the eyes made this really easy to swallow at first glance, but viewing the movie now, makes me cringe every time she engages in any dialogue. I'm hoping my reservations prove me wrong, and that I'm pleasantly surprised the second time around.

It looks like Transformers is making a celebration of their new, never before seen trailer. I'm a trailer fan, but this is going pretty far for just two-plus minutes of footage. There are a ton of dedicated Transformer fans, do they really need this event to generate buzz about the film? If anything, I'd be just curious to see the costumes!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Kirstin Dunst Saying Farewell to MJ?

"UK newspaper, The Daily Express reports that the 26-year old, who has played love interest Mary Jane Watson in all three previous movies, is said to have stalled on agreeing to appear in the fourth, which will again star Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man."

Dunst is allegedly hesitant to jump on board because she wants reassurance the story will be strong and for MJ's character to be equally as prominent in the storyline. Her hesitation is putting Spider-Man's movie franchise on temporary hold. This sounds awfully similar to Halle Berry wanting Storm to be a bigger character in X3, which unfortunately and ultimately sucked (the curse of Marvel's three-quel). At least Halle Berry had the decency not to delay any decisions.

I hate to admit it, but I honestly have no interest in seeing anymore installments of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man if 4 and 5 plan on being extensions of the Spider-Man 3. Spider-Man 1 and 2 made huge leaps forward, bringing credibility to comic films, that they can be taken seriously. Then Spider-Man 3 strolls along, shattering that credibility to a crashing halt!

You can find the original article here.

"I strike fear in the hearts of criminals!"


Not quite sure why the originals need to a "reboot," but it looks like Robert Rodriguez will be producing and directing a new Predator movie. Actually, it just occurred to me that "Aliens Versus Predator" and "Aliens Versus Predator Requiem" were complete disasters... so I can see the need for a reboot. I'm a fan of Rodriguez, and I feel pretty confident he'll give the Predator continuum the right treatment. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us!

Who ya gonna call?

Ghostbusters... the game that is! For the last few years, there's been a lot of buzz around the Ghostbusters game, continuing their ghostbusting saga in a video game made for today's high powered consoles. When game details originally surfaced, that the original cast and crew were going to be on board: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson fans rejoiced like hot marshmallows clinging to the streets of New York city. Recently, they released the opening cinematic scene. Looks like this is going to be another game on my wish list!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Darth Vader-ette?

Personally, I'm not a fan of latex fetishes, but I can imagine a lot of Star Wars geeks going bonkers over this picture! I wonder what a female version of James Earl Jones would sound like?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gladiator In Tights

Looks like Ridley Scott and Russel Crowe are back with tights, bows and arrows. Minus the tights actually! Here is the first released photo of Crowe in full Nottingham garb! Read the full article here.

The Truth About 420

Happy 420 everyone! Celebrate as you see fit and please celebrate responsibly.

For those of you who live under a rock and are unaware of this widely growing, unofficial holiday, April 20th is a day for pot smokers everywhere to celebrate the consumption of good old marijuana. I'm not an advocate for pot and I don't endorse the use of it in any way, but I do believe it's far less worse than alcohol and cigarettes. Then's the last time you heard of criminal stoner?

I never really questioned how 420 came to be. The only explanation I heard of was
"it's the same day Bob Marley died" which I never bothered to verify. Beyond that, I never gave it much thought. Well, here's the alleged "real origin" of 420.

Super Con 2009: May 16-17 in San Jose, CA

Super Con is a convention I've been attending since they were first held in Hayward, CA, Centennial Hall. The convention usually composed of local dealers and hometown celebrity comic artists and writers. For many years now, the convention has been held in San Jose and has grown since. Check out the list of celebrities that will be attending May

Man Versus Will

Bear Grylls is the ultimate's man's man! Place him anywhere in the world and he'll manage to find food, shelter and an enthusiastic way to keep himself entertained... viewers as well! It looks like Will Ferrell's on-board for some wilderness action as he'll be promoting his newest movie, Land of the Lost, by participating in an episode of Man Versus Wild. From the sounds of it, he'll be in the trenches, shoulder-to-shoulder with Bear Grylls in the far north freezing section of Sweden.

"Ferrell and Grylls will venture "far north" of Sweden, where for 48 hours they’ll brave freezing temperatures, descend down frozen waterfalls, forage for food, and slake their thirst with an unmentionable beverage, says Variety."

I can't wait to catch this episode in June 2009. You can find the article here.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mr. J's main squeeze in Batman: Arkham Asylum

Everyone's favorite harlequin will be included in Batman: Arkham Asylum, Harley Quinn. Having the original voice cast from Batman: The Animated Series makes this game experience so much more awesome!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Domino's Pizza with some "extra toppings!"

It's pretty common knowledge not to give fast food workers a hard time. What do you expect from under paid over worked employees that have to smile in the face of rudeness? Everyone has their breaking point, so be careful when you decide to yell at the person putting your pizza together. If you're naive to think they won't mess with your food, you're in for a rude awakening!

Domino's has never been known for having great tasting pizza, nor decent tasting pizza for that matter, but they do capitalize on cheap, hot and fast! I'm sure you've heard by now the fiasco that has brewed up about Domino's Pizza, after a couple slack jawed idiots decided to video tape themselves raping ready to be prepared food by placing ingredients in their ungodly human crevasses, then decided to post it on the Internets! Domino's quickly found the employees and fired them. Now, the two idiot Domino's Pizza employees from North Carolina are facing felony charges, which serves them right! Kristy Lynn Hammonds (31) and Michael Anthony Setzer (32) have each been charged for "distributing prohibited foods" which is the equivolent of North Carolina's statute that forbids any tampering with Halloween candy, according to the authorities.

You might want to think twice about what you do if your hopes and dreams are to be an Internet star!

DC Universe Online

News about this MMORPG has been around for several years now. They even had an in-house playable demo at San Diego Comic Con 08, where I got the chance to play a pre-made character that was an amalgamation of The Flash and Black Lightning. The DC representative even made a few comments, one of which was a good selling point for me, about how the game will also be playable online through the PS3. Wow, an MMORPG not limited to the PC elite! Beyond Jim Lee leading the art direction for the entire game, I walked away from the demo without a second thought... until I saw this video that takes you behind the scenes of DCUO's development!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sarah Connor Chronicles Terminated!

It sounds like Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is slated for cancellation, not returning for a third season. I followed this show from day one, and it always held its own, combining dark psychological angst with good old gun slinging ass-kicking! A lot of traditional Terminator fans didn't take to kindly to this installment of Terminator because on the surface, it looked like Dawson's Creek meets Terminator... but it wasn't. If ever the character's steered in the One Tree Hill direction, something violent would quickly take it back on course. I'm going to miss this show, especially Summer Glau. Yum! Well... at least we have Salvation to look forward to.


So far, Batman: Arkham Asylum has prominently featured The Joker as the grand villain, but it looks like he's not the only one. Bane is probably one of my favorite villains among Batman's rogue gallery and I think it's awesome that he'll be included! I wonder who else will be making an appearance?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey Shamwow... there's something I need to tell you... I'm Chris Hanson!

From the network that brought you To "Catch a Predator," CNBC will be doing a report on products that you know oh-to-well! Unfortunately it will not be hosted by Chris Hanen, rather Darren Rovell.

Shamwow, Oxyclean, Snuggie, Ginsu, Slap Chop, 6 Minute Abs... the made-for-tv market is a $150 billion a year industry! With the recession in our midst, it seems more people are finding value in these products.

I wonder what they will uncover! Check out the full article here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Captain Jack Sp... Uhhh

These guys look nothing like Jack Sparrow!

I'm glad to hear that Richard Phillips was rescued safely, the captain of the Maersk Alabama. Somali pirates raided their freighter, taking Phillips hostage. Now that the public knows pirates still exist, I'm sure seaman (hehe) will be better equipped for any potential hostiles. USA! USA! USA!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Start with a smile on Easter Sunday!

Happy Easter Sunday! I woke up this morning to find this video on the front page of Yahoo news. If my commute started like this every morning, I don't think I'd ever have a bad day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

You had me at "collectible batarang!"

Batman: Arkham Asylum could very well be the best Batman game ever to hit the new generation of consoles! Even better, they have this great collectible pack which I'm definitely buying!

The following are included:

* 14″ Batarang with stand
- Matches the Batarang’s in-game design

* Arkham Doctor’s Journal
- 48 pages of notes on Arkham’s inmates
- Embossed leather dust jacket

* 2 Sleeve Digi-pack, including:
- Game disc
- Behind-the-scenes DVD

* Code for downloadable Challenge Map
- Exclusive “Crime Alley” map, available immediately

* Full-color Manual


Borat is back... as Bruno! As Borat, he paraded around news networks and press junkets 100% in character. I wonder how Sasha Baron Cohen is going to pull it off this time around, being much more recognizable. I thought Borat was gut bustingly funny! I'm sure he'll be upping the ante with Bruno!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

San Diego Comic Con.. another one bites the dust!

Looks like Saturday is now sold out [actually has been over two weeks ago]!

C'mon, Watchmen isn't that bad!

During an early day show of Watchmen this week, a 24 year old man killed himself in a Regal Cinema theater halfway through Zack Snyder's Watchmen. The report says the 10 others in the theater heard popping noises mid-way through the movie. As sad as this was, I wonder if anyone yelled "shut up" when the popping noises commenced. I can't stand when people insist on talking during a movie, let alone gun fire. What boggles my mind is that the suicidee was sitting just two seats away from another audience member.

For the record, Watchmen gets two thumbs-up from me!

Read the article HERE

If you are ever a victim of theft... try Facebook!

...this girl did, and it paid off:

"Carla Pillo Mote, an executive director at a Philadelphia advertising agency, used Facebook-stalking skills to track down the drunk guy who stole her laptop, tax files, and wallet. Too much information is a good thing!"

Check out the full article HERE

Green Lantern: First Flight

Wow! Just.... WOW!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fast and Furiouser

Sunday morning I was on the can, checking my daily news when I came across the box office opening for Vin Diesel and Paul Walker's glorious return to "The Fast and the Furious." 72.5 MILLION DOLLARS! Really? I'll admit, I was shocked to see another installment continue this franchise, but to bring back nearly all of the original cast no less really made this movie stand out. In a good way or bad way... has yet to be seen, but I guess it's 72.5 million-dollars-good.

If you ask me, the film is like a joke of a joke that's that's making fun of itself. Almost like self deprecating humor. Paul, Vin and the rest of the crew... what have they really done lately [other than Anna Lucilla on Lost]? To see that they've come back to an already beaten horse makes the trailers look fairly interesting. Unfortunately, it won't be enough for me to see it in the theater's and will be a far stretch to rent it.

The Superman Exists, and he's American?

Found this interesting article on the cosmic hand that illustrates a real high resolution image in outer space. Is it possible for a Dr. Manhattan to exist somewhere out there? Kind of makes you realize how insignificant this third rock from the sun is. Maybe a real Dr. Manhattan will help us out of this economic crisis!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools Day!

Happy April Fools Day! I didn't plan anything for this second rate holiday, but I am being ever vigilent on making sure I'm not suckered into any elaborate schemes. One thng I did do today, or last night I should say was make sure I prepared for the Confcker work that is allegedly supposed to strike today. I'm absolutely dark via Internet, using my iPhone soley as a precaution. Even my Internet connection at home n unplugged. Hope this works! Happy April Fools Day to me!