Monday, January 10, 2011

Gotham High

What do you get if you mash up Batman, Twilight and Glee (minus the singing) in animated form? Gotham High. This 2009 animated series never saw the light of day, but these concept images have been made available to us. Had this show aired, I'm certain it would've set back Batman twenty years, destroying everything Batman has accomplished to date.

Read the full article here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wow, this is Kick-Ass for real!

I really don't know what to say... other than... EXTREME!

Spider-Man Reboot

Hey, what's the Facebook guy and that Zombieland girl doing? Oh yeah, they're starring as Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy in the new Spider-Man reboot. You know, the original franchise that Sam Raimi decided to set back thirty years after building two credible Spider-Man films because Joe Quesada shoved Venom down his throat. Bottom line, I'm sure this film will have less fail than it's Broadway counterpart and won't make me want to rip my eyes out the way I wanted to watching Spider-Man 3.

Batman Beyond Going Digital

Batman Beyond lasted three short seasons from 1999 to 2002. It spawned one movie, a variety of cameos and it's own comic book title, being put to rest shortly after the television series ended. Strangely, the show ended simply because it wasn't commissioned for more seasons, not because of a lack of popularity or ratings. Well, Terry McGinnis is back, not only with a brand new comic book series, but with a digital makeover. If there's any comic book title more fitting to be transformed in our new new highway of information consumption, it only seems appropriate that Terry McGinnis lead the way with its cyberpunk futuristic tone. I've been dabbling with DC Comics' ComiXology app on my iPhone, and I must say I really like it. It's a great way to take comics to-go without the hassle of piling stacks-and-stacks of long boxes. Although for me, it's too late for that. What do I think about the future of traditional comic books, the brick and morters and the oh-so-lovable comic book guys of the world? I'm sure they'll continue to endure. If die hard comic book fans can't get over Ryan Reynold's CGI Green Lantern suit, I'm sure they're not clamoring Apple stores for iPhones and iPads.

Long Over Due – Happy 2011!

As I habitually type and or write 2010, still correcting myself, it’s hard to believe 2011 is already here! My blog posts as of late have been few and infrequent, but I think this year, I will try to post more often than my once-in-a-blue-moon blog posts. I have, however, been tweeting more. The “one-hundred and forty characters or less” per entry has simply been more manageable during my day-to-day, even though what I tweet about is ninety percent bullshit. There are a lot of things to look forward to this year, here’s to a kick-ass 2011!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Superman Lives" died with this suit

Before Bryon Singer's "Superman Returns" was a glimmer of a thought, Tim Burton was in the process of bringing Superman back to the big screen in "Superman Lives." Many of Tim Burton's early Superman suit designs have been shared and criticized all over the web, but here, you can actually see the concept suit in full action.

Is it possible this suit was to only be worn on Krypton, for Superman to dawn his traditional red-and-blues when on Earth? I can't imagine Burton having Superman wear this rave-inspired-eye-nauseating suit, considering he at least got Batman's suit right. If this was the suit intended to be worn for Superman, I'm glad it died before it ever lived.

Bale and Wahlberg singing their asses off

And one of them knows the Powerpuff Girls theme song. Can you guess who?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Batman: Arkham City

Batman Arkham City was the first of all the anticipated trailers to show first at the Spike Video Game Awards 2010. None of the expected villains made an appearance, rather, a surprise villain I would've least expected to see, Hugo Strange. With plenty of great action shots, this game is looking more and more promising the more I hear and see about it. The nature of Hugo Strange's villainy, it looks like we'll be exploring more of Batman's psychology. One thing that stood out was the clarity of the animation, it looked absolutely remarkable. I wonder if this will also carry into the actual game play?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Spike Video Game Awards this weekend - All I care about is "Batman: Arkham City"

If you haven't seen the "Batman: Arham City" trailer yet, here it is. Unfortunately, it's only a teaser trailer, but there is no lack of excitement. Badass? Yes, even for only being several seconds long. The full trailer will debut at the Spike Video Game Awards this weekend.

Conan and DC Comics Animation

I've met Bruce Timm on several occasions and have never seen him laugh as much as he did in this visit from Conan O'Brien.