Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spike Scream Awards 2010

Spike's Scream Awards 2010, an awards show made just for me! In addition to awarding all things sci-fi, they also award comic book writers and all things comic books which is a thumbs-up in my book. This year, my fondness of this awards show almost went out the door as Twilight won for best fantasy film. When I thought all hope was lost for the Scream Awards' credibility, they awarded "Most Anticipated Film" to Ryan Reynolds for The Green Lantern! Suddenly the stage was lit with nothing but green, and from a billowing cloud of smoke a huge Green Lantern power battery emerged from the stage along with Ryan Reynold's voice stating the Green Lantern oath "In Brightest Day..."

Some other memorable events from the show include:

-A reunion of sorts between Michal J Fox and Christopher Lloyd
-Bill Murray speaking in full Ghostbuster attire
-An awesome trailer for The Walking Dead that made Anna Paquin's mouth drop
-A live woman on stage set completely on fire while Marilyn Manson presented an award

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Green Lantern: Movie website is up and running... sort of....

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it right now. The Green Lantern movie will be the Iron Man hit for DC Comics. Meaning, Green Lantern is a character nerds all know, but the general public doesn't. But they will, just like Iron Man, especially with Ryan Reynolds leading the charge as Hal Jordan. Most nerds can name off a handful of Green Lantern characters. Some nerds can even name the sector of the universe Hal, John, Guy, Kyle and Alan protect (2814), but I'll digress. DC Comics has the official Green Lantern movie website up and running... sort of. Check it out, wait and see if something happens beyond the glowing lantern and the epic-orb sound that plays in the background. You can view the website here.

Zack Snyder to direct Superman

If you haven't heard already, Zack Snyder will be directing the next Superman movie. I have this feeling nerds worldwide lost their shit and had a collective heart attack hearing this. I sure did! In addition to Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead) directing, David Goyer will help write the script alongside Christopher Nolan as a "consultant." If this isn't a recipe for superhero movie gold, I don't know what is. If you live under a rock and don't know, David Goyer wrote the story for Batman Begins. Christopher Nolan... well... we all know Christopher Nolan's more than successful film resume. Adding Zack Snyder is like adding solid binding to high quality pages of a book! What I like most about this is that Zod will be the villain in the film (not a total revolutionary concept (cough*RichardDonnerandSmallville*cough), but a villain everyone can get excited for. A Kryptonian that Superman can actually go toe-to-toe with, tossing Bryan Singer's over-emotional and punch-less Superman aside. As much as I enjoyed Singer's tribute-movie to Richard Donner, this generation of superhero fans needs a redefined Superman, relevant to today's issues. Let's face it, Superman is the definitive superhero that started it all. We need a team than can resurrect him to that status. If Snyder, Goyer and Nolan can't do it... than Superman's film career is doomed! Here's to hoping they get it right this time around!