Monday, July 26, 2010

Movie Review: Inception

Christopher Nolan’s Inception blew me away! This is his latest film since the Dark Knight. It goes to show his film making integrity has wavered unshaken, despite having one of the highest grossing films of all time under his belt. In other words, I’m glad he didn’t take the M Night Shyamalan route.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film from beginning to end. What I liked about this movie was that dreams were brought into reality, as if they were tangible objects you could see, touch and smell. It then asks you the question, what is the definition of reality, and does it make a difference if one or the other makes you happy?

Nolan's famous for being able to layer character development, and there is no exception with Inception. An original story, that he wrote and directed, I was kept on the edge of my seat at every turn. In addition, the visual effects were top notch in it's own subtle matter. Another signature film style of Nolan was to keep special effects as organic as possible. If there was an opportunity to forgo CGI, Nolan did, and it paid off very well in this film. Combined with a perfect cast to deliver, you’ll be wanting more up to the very end.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dude, was it really worth it?

If you haven't heard by now, SDCC 2010 witnessed it's first stabbing as far as I know. Apparently, this guy was in a heated argument with another attendee regarding a seat in Hall H. A friggin seat! He then stabbed the guy in the eye with a pen. A friggin pen!

The initial thought that came to mind was the Joker "pencil trick" scene from The Dark Knight.

In all honesty, it doesn't surprise me that this happened. The conditions SDCC attendees go through combined with the shear number of people in a confined space could make anyone go crazy. Is it possible this guy was acting out due to camping without sleep, only being fueled by Power Bars and 5hour Energy's? Still, a pen to the eyeball is pretty insane under any condition. I hope they throw the book at this guy! You can see video of the attacker being escorted by police here.

Allison Mack jumping from Smallville screen to comic ink

Well, her character Chloe Sullivan will be. Chloe has been an integral part of the Smallville storyline from as far back as season one. She will be introduced to the DC Universe in comic form in Action Comics No. 893. Only in recent seasons have they addressed Chloe as not being character in the DC Universe, most notably during the Legion of Superheroes episode. I believe it was Saturn Girl mentioning that archives didn't show any record of Chloe Sullivan in Superman's life. The last character to jump from screen to ink was Harley Quinn. It will be interesting to see how Chloe is written in.

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

SDCC announced a Green Lantern video game to be released alongside WB Entertainment's Green Lantern movie. Posters promoting the game were handed out at the convention.

Batman Arkham Asylum raised the bar for superhero video games. I'd like to think this Green Lantern game will carry the same caliber of game play. Unfortunately, history has a habit of repeating itself in comic book movie/game adaptations, so the odds are highly stacked against it. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed but won't be holding my breath.

DC Universe Online - My socks have officially been knocked off!

The trailer below for DCU Online debuted over the weekend at SDCC 2010. Looks like the $15 per month may be worth it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

500 Days of Riddler!

Joseph-Gordon Levitt is apparently rumored to be "in the running" to play The Riddler in Christopher Nolan's third Batman film. We all know Nolan keeps a tight lid on things so I'm sure this rumor is pure speculation. This would be an interesting casting choice if it does come to fruition.

Russell Brand and Luis Guzman as the dynmic duo!

Russell Brand and Luis Guzman have been spotted parading around as the dynamic duo in New York city for their upcoming film "Arthur." Brand actually fits the batsuit fairly well. Val Kilmer's batsuit design was obviously used if you couldn't tell by the built in nipples. Guzman, on the other hand, looks like he raided Burt Ward's closet. Dressing up as Batman and Robin, I'm wondering how this will fit into the context of the film. They even have the Batmobile!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Joker from Joker

Inspired by the graphic novel titled "Joker" written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Lee Bermejo, is the latest DC Direct black and white statue of the Joker. This is one of my favorite Joker designs. Mistakenly modeled after Heath Ledger's Joker, it was actually the other way around. The graphic novel was written and illustrated five years before Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight was released. The Joker bares an eerie resemblance to the razor-lipped Heath Ledger. This is a definite buy for me!

2010 San Diego Comic Con Exclusive: Starro Packaging Demo

This is the first year I've been most compelled than ever to buy an exclusive toy from SDCC. When Blair Butler from Attack of the Show interviewed Mattel regarding the Starro set, I simply thought this was a cool piece to own. After all, it commemorates the first DC comics cover showcasing the JLA. Then I saw the demo below. All I have to say is that they had me at "Kevin Conroy!" SOLD! I decided to dish out some cash on eBay to buy this thing. Hell, the extra cost is still cheaper than a plane ticket, registration, hotel and food for attending Comic Con. Did I mention the sweaty lines I'll be passing up as well.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

SDCC around the corner!

With San Diego Comic Con International around the corner, I thought I'd post a con exclusive that I've never seen before. Quite literally actually. Wonder Woman's original Superfriends' mode of transportation, her invisible jet! What started out as an April Fool's joke, actually came to fruition by Mattel, available this year exclusively at SDCC 2010.

The Walking Dead cast photo

The Walking Dead, a comic book written and illustrated by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore respectively, will be getting a television series sometime in 2010. Below are images from the film, including side-by-side comparisons of each actor to their illustrated counterparts. I'm hopeful they will stick closely to the source material, as this will be the first zombie related television series to date.

For more images, click here.

Entertainment Weekly releases Green Lantern pictures

Entertainment Weekly provided a sneak peek into DC Entertainment's latest comic book film Green Lantern. Ryan Reynolds is a strong choice for the lead role as Hal Jordan simply because he fits well with the cocky/no fear persona. The images below look great, but I'm wondering why the suit is designed to look like raw fiber with no black and green contrast? Still too early to tell what the final look will be, so I'll save my criticism for another time. Otherwise, I like what I see. Others aren't too happy with Hal's suit, namely die hard fanboys, complaining about Hal Jordon's suit looking "painted," aka heavy on the CGI. Keep in mind, the suit he wears is alien, a construct that lives within the ring. It's not an "outfit" that he can hang in the closet like Batman or Superman.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

X-Men First Class... this is starting to sound misleading!

Remember when they announced the next title for the X-Men movie franchise? "X-Men: First Class" to be direct by Matthew Vaughn? I was under the impression they were going to re-focus the cast to only have the original founding members of Xavier's X-Men. You know, give Wolverine less screen time! That would be: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast and Angel. Not a tough formula to follow right? Wrong! Why are they introducing characters prematurely like Emma Frost, Banshee and Havoc? Apparently there is a casting call for these characters and they already have strong contenders. If you ask me, they are making the same mistake X-Men 3: Last Stand and Wolverine Origins made, they are saturating the movie with too many characters. It dilutes the story and misleads the the focus of the film.

Christopher Nolan's third Batman film to begin shooting in April!

Woohoo! At a premiere for Nolan's latest film, Inception, Michael Caine is asked by a red carpet interviewer about any details regarding the next Batman film. Looks like shooting starts in April! Let's hope it's not an early April Fool's joke.

On the set with Green Lantern! Sort of?

Don't get too excited, there's really nothing much here beyond plugging New Orleans as a great place to shoot films. It was just cool hearing the news anchor mention Green Lantern.


Ed Norton not returning as Banner/Hulk for the Avengers film

Marvel Studios confirmed Edward Norton will NOT be playing Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk in their highly anticipated film The Avengers expected to be released in 2012. Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios' President of Production made this statement:

"We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers. Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks."

Are they saying Norton isn't a team player?

Just when you thought Marvel Studios was headed in the right direction, they pull this rug from underneath us. Edward Norton as Bruce Banner/the Hulk was a perfect fit, much like Bale and Downey Jr. were perfect for Batman and Iron Man respectively. What made them so believable was that you could see elements of the actor in the roles they played and vice verse. Swapping Edward Norton will be hard to stomach simply because he did a great job portraying the role. Also, seeing Downey Jr. and Norton in a film together would've been awesome as they are two of my favorite actors! Whoever they pick to replace Norton will have some big shoes to fill. Hulking big shoes in fact!

I wonder if any of this has anything to do with the directing credit Ed Norton was denied while filming The Incredible Hulk? You can read the full article here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Movie Review: Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 has reunited our favorite group of toys with laughter, tears and adventure. Andy’s grown up and the remaining toys stick together as they find their new home isn’t quite what they expected. With Andy on his way to college, the feel of the film is basically a long goodbye. The trailer alone sets the stage with Woody saying “…we all knew this day would come…” I was concerned. Worried the entire film would be a nostalgic cry-parade of goodbyes. It turned out it wasn’t. They skillfully balance the film, placing Woody and the gang in the worst environment imaginable for toys, daycare. Suddenly the film becomes a grand escape scenario from prison (aka daycare).

Toy Story 3 has many tear jerking moments, but from beginning to end, it’s a wonderful laugh riot for all ages and is a great farewell to the Toy story legacy. Toy Story 3 is a great reflection of Pixar’s maturity over the years. It’s clear the story tellers and writers at Pixar have grown-up alongside us. I give Toy Story 3 two thumbs way up!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Who would've thought Spider-Man would have the best pancakes in town?

And here I thought the toaster Sheldon had on Big Bang Theory was cool. You know, the one that produced Cylon toast! Well, I think this one takes the cake... or pancake rather. White elephant gift item? Check!

And just for reference...