Monday, May 24, 2010

UD Replicas - Iron Man Mark V (Suitcase Armor)

The team that brought you The Dark Knight's armor in motorcycle fashion is possibly taking on a new license with Marvel Studio's! They will be recreating Tony Stark's Mark V (aka Suitcase Armor). I wonder if the chest (pseudo Arc Reactor) will light up?

Rewind back a bit, I actually own The Dark Knight suit that I purchased from Nothing comes closer to wearable art while being fully functional for motorcycle wear than The Dark Knight suit. I'll review it soon with some detailed pics.

I'd also like to say kudos to David Pea and his team at Universal Designs for a great customer experience, in addition to producing great high quality gear! David Pea was kind enough to personally answer all of my questions before making my purchase. As soon as the Batman Begins suit and Utility Belt is available, I plan to be first in line to buy!

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