Before Bryon Singer's "Superman Returns" was a glimmer of a thought, Tim Burton was in the process of bringing Superman back to the big screen in "Superman Lives." Many of Tim Burton's early Superman suit designs have been shared and criticized all over the web, but here, you can actually see the concept suit in full action.
Is it possible this suit was to only be worn on Krypton, for Superman to dawn his traditional red-and-blues when on Earth? I can't imagine Burton having Superman wear this rave-inspired-eye-nauseating suit, considering he at least got Batman's suit right. If this was the suit intended to be worn for Superman, I'm glad it died before it ever lived.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bale and Wahlberg singing their asses off
And one of them knows the Powerpuff Girls theme song. Can you guess who?

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Batman: Arkham City
Batman Arkham City was the first of all the anticipated trailers to show first at the Spike Video Game Awards 2010. None of the expected villains made an appearance, rather, a surprise villain I would've least expected to see, Hugo Strange. With plenty of great action shots, this game is looking more and more promising the more I hear and see about it. The nature of Hugo Strange's villainy, it looks like we'll be exploring more of Batman's psychology. One thing that stood out was the clarity of the animation, it looked absolutely remarkable. I wonder if this will also carry into the actual game play?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Spike Video Game Awards this weekend - All I care about is "Batman: Arkham City"
If you haven't seen the "Batman: Arham City" trailer yet, here it is. Unfortunately, it's only a teaser trailer, but there is no lack of excitement. Badass? Yes, even for only being several seconds long. The full trailer will debut at the Spike Video Game Awards this weekend.
Conan and DC Comics Animation
I've met Bruce Timm on several occasions and have never seen him laugh as much as he did in this visit from Conan O'Brien.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Christian Bale's thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises, potentially being his last time putting on the cape and cowl

In a recent interview with MTV, Christian Bale mentions how "in the dark" he's kept about script and plot details when it comes to Christopher Nolan's next bat film The Dark Knight Rises. In addition, he questions his further involvement with the Batman franchise after Nolan's third installment.
"I believe, unless Chris [Nolan] says different, this will be the last time I’m playing Batman. Until Chris tells me, I don’t believe it, It’s gotta be from his mouth, or else I don’t really know. Chris will let me know what I need to know when I need to know it. I probably know a little bit more than some other people out there, but I think most people would be surprised at how little I do know. It just hasn’t been necessary yet. I know he’ll give me plenty of time to prepare for whatever I need to, and I’ll discover it. He’s a pretty damn good filmmaker. I trust that he’s going to come up with something wonderful."
Had Nolan announced no more Batman movies after The Dark Knight, I would've honestly been satisfied. However, I'm excited for Nolan's third Batman film, I'm just slightly worried about the unprecedented amount of anticipation for it. After all, The Dark Knight is going to be a tough act to follow. Frankly, The Dark Knight couldn't have been a better Bat film. Then again, I thought the same thing with Batman Begins. In Nolan I trust!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Why Harry Potter fans suck!

Why the hell do Harry Potter fans feel obligated to say what's going to happen seconds before it's going to happen on screen? It's as if Harry Potter fans have a self obligated duty of announcing to the world they've read the books inside-and-out. I'm guessing these are the same fans that waited at midnight for the latest Harry Potter book release, having read it in its entirety by the end of the following day. Is there a disclaimer by J.K. Rowling within the Harry Potter books that say, "When you see this movie, be sure to spoil every twist and turn of the film for everyone within the vicinity of your speaking voice." Is it a badge of honor to speak to the films events before it happens? And no, this is not unique to the latest Deathly Hallows part one release, this goes for every Potter film I've seen since day one! I'm not a die hard Harry Potter fan, hell, I could be watching Driving Miss Daisy... regardless it's pretty fucking annoying having GROWN ADULTS blurting out an entire film from behind my seat. Speaking of grown adults, it's the one's who bring their kids that are the worse. It's not that children I have a problem with, it's the parents teaching their kids to ignore all forms of movie etiquette, teaching their children it's okay to chat their asses off during a movie. Hell, at least Twilight fans have the decency to keep their mouths shut when they watch Edward, Jacob and Bella engage in their teen angst sexual escapades. One could argue that I could avoid watching Harry Potter movies opening week(end). However, it's also easy to make the argument that some idiot will spoil the movie regardless, likely to come from a Harry Potter fan.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Comic Con Registration... Nerds everywhere revolt!
It's that time of year again, San Diego Comic Con registration for 2011! The SDCC bananza is growing more crazy than ever. One, you can only attend preview night if you buy your SDCC tickets from attending the previous year. Two, the site crashes the day of registration (November 1st) for 2011. They issued this apology:

It looks like SDCC go'ers will be able to take another shot at 2011 tickets, they will announce a new registration date on November 8th. Good luck guys!
It looks like SDCC go'ers will be able to take another shot at 2011 tickets, they will announce a new registration date on November 8th. Good luck guys!
Review: The Walking Dead

Not your typical zombie story, the Walking Dead on AMC exceeded my expectations. Not only did it capture the essence of the comic book, they didn't skimp out on special effects, which is demonstrated very well with Frank Grimes' first encounter with the undead. What makes the Walking Dead unique is that it's not a over-the-top horror show nor is it a show heavily weighed down by pure survival and hoarding all available weapons. Rather, it's a story about people, the human condition and really dealing with the loss of loved one's. Imagine seeing your wife or husband aimlessly walking around undead. Could you really take a chainsaw to their head? The Walking Dead is off to a great start, I look forward to seeing more episodes.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Spike Scream Awards 2010
Spike's Scream Awards 2010, an awards show made just for me! In addition to awarding all things sci-fi, they also award comic book writers and all things comic books which is a thumbs-up in my book. This year, my fondness of this awards show almost went out the door as Twilight won for best fantasy film. When I thought all hope was lost for the Scream Awards' credibility, they awarded "Most Anticipated Film" to Ryan Reynolds for The Green Lantern! Suddenly the stage was lit with nothing but green, and from a billowing cloud of smoke a huge Green Lantern power battery emerged from the stage along with Ryan Reynold's voice stating the Green Lantern oath "In Brightest Day..."

Some other memorable events from the show include:
-A reunion of sorts between Michal J Fox and Christopher Lloyd
-Bill Murray speaking in full Ghostbuster attire
-An awesome trailer for The Walking Dead that made Anna Paquin's mouth drop
-A live woman on stage set completely on fire while Marilyn Manson presented an award

Some other memorable events from the show include:
-A reunion of sorts between Michal J Fox and Christopher Lloyd
-Bill Murray speaking in full Ghostbuster attire
-An awesome trailer for The Walking Dead that made Anna Paquin's mouth drop
-A live woman on stage set completely on fire while Marilyn Manson presented an award
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Green Lantern: Movie website is up and running... sort of....
I'm going to go out on a limb and say it right now. The Green Lantern movie will be the Iron Man hit for DC Comics. Meaning, Green Lantern is a character nerds all know, but the general public doesn't. But they will, just like Iron Man, especially with Ryan Reynolds leading the charge as Hal Jordan. Most nerds can name off a handful of Green Lantern characters. Some nerds can even name the sector of the universe Hal, John, Guy, Kyle and Alan protect
Zack Snyder to direct Superman

If you haven't heard already, Zack Snyder will be directing the next Superman movie. I have this feeling nerds worldwide lost their shit and had a collective heart attack hearing this. I sure did! In addition to Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead) directing, David Goyer will help write the script alongside Christopher Nolan as a "consultant." If this isn't a recipe for superhero movie gold, I don't know what is. If you live under a rock and don't know, David Goyer wrote the story for Batman Begins. Christopher Nolan... well... we all know Christopher Nolan's more than successful film resume. Adding Zack Snyder is like adding solid binding to high quality pages of a book! What I like most about this is that Zod will be the villain in the film (not a total revolutionary concept (cough*RichardDonnerandSmallville*cough), but a villain everyone can get excited for. A Kryptonian that Superman can actually go toe-to-toe with, tossing Bryan Singer's over-emotional and punch-less Superman aside. As much as I enjoyed Singer's tribute-movie to Richard Donner, this generation of superhero fans needs a redefined Superman, relevant to today's issues. Let's face it, Superman is the definitive superhero that started it all. We need a team than can resurrect him to that status. If Snyder, Goyer and Nolan can't do it... than Superman's film career is doomed! Here's to hoping they get it right this time around!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What's up doc?
It doesn't take genius to conclude that Batman is psychotic, but check out what these three medical professionals have to say about the caped crusader.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Smallville Final Season Premiere

This is it guys, Smallville's final stretch! And no... Smallville didn't jump the shark, they're actually just getting started with unleashing all kinds of awesome! It's apparent they won't be holding anything back which includes suiting up the Man of Steel in his oh-so-familiar red and blue's, recycling Bryan Singer's suit no less. So let's see what they could possibly bring to the table, ending this series with a bang. First, I'll begin what they've given us: Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Bizzarro, Doomsday, Amanda Whaler and Checkmate. What's missing from this puzzle? Darkseid! One thing that stuck out most is... where the hell did Clark get that awesome jacket? Most importantly, where can I get one? I'm really hopeful for a no-holds-barred final season of Smallville. I think it's also clear that Clark will finally fly, at will, this season!
The Legend of Zelda. More epic than ever!
Nintendo generation or not, everyone know the theme song to the Legend of Zelda. For me, it's burned in the back of my memory along side Greedo shooting first. What could possibly make the Legend of Zelda more epic? How about having it's theme performed by a full orchestra?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
All Star Superman Trailer
"All Star Superman" by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely tops the list as one of my favorite Superman story lines. Stretching and re-imagining Superman's mythos, not only did fans embrace this book with open arms, All Star Superman earned an Eisner award in 2006 for "Best New Series." Now it's being adapted into animation form. If they manage to capture half of what this storyline entails, I'm sure this will be a worth while film. It wouldn't surprise me if this is a test run to make an animated version of "All Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder," finishing-up what Jim Lee and Frank Miller left in the dust. On the other hand, reading "I'm the goddamn Batman" and reading it are two different things.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Where no pizza has gone before!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
DC Hoodies
I will own these! Specifically Batman and Joker! I can't tell you what occasion I'll be wearing them for, but they will be worn! Set to be released next month, pre-order yours here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hal Jordan escaped the grip of death and returned to life for Globalls!
Joe Quesada discusses Marvel's relationship with new owners Disney
Joe Quesada, Marvel's Chief Creative Officer, discusses Marvel's new level of reach since being acquired by Disney. Sure, they have a great vehicle for distribution but let's just hope they don't spread themselves too thin by churning out bastardized versions of our beloved Marvel characters.
Monday, September 13, 2010
If you liked Kick-Ass, wait until you get a load of Super!
"Super" directed by James Gunn starring Rainn Wilson, Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon, Nathan Fillion and Ellen Page is yet another superhero film that brings you into the lives of real people trying to be real superheros leaving superpowers by the wayside. I think Kick-Ass left an impression on people because it was marketed as a fun superhero film, prominently displaying McLovin in their marketing campaign. Little did people know they'd find an eleven year old Hit Girl cursing up a storm and dismembering bad guys. With "Super" it's pretty clear what you're in for, especially with this clip. "Super" is gaining pretty good buzz after airing at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Geek and Gamer Girls
Have you noticed the endless number of songs that parody Katy Perry's "California Girls" geared towards nerds and geeks alike? It doesn't take a genius to cram a plethora of geek terms into California Girls' brain numbing chorus, which is why I find them all less than entertaining. However, this version has some geek credibility, showcasing two very familiar faces.
EMBED-Geek and Gamer Girls Song - Watch more free videos
EMBED-Geek and Gamer Girls Song - Watch more free videos
Monday, September 6, 2010
SDCC 2011 - Will there be consequences to the eye-stabbing incident?
I was unable to attend San Diego Comic Con International 2010. I missed-out on key events like Green Lantern, the Avengers, Thor and getting stabbed in the eye by a crazed fan wearing a Harry Potter shirt irate about a seat in Hall H. It seems everyone still has that memory fresh in their heads, attendee or not, and this t-shirt company is already glorifying the crazy incident.

As funny as this shirt is, I'm not sure fans are thinking about the consequence this incident may entail for the future of Comic Con. They may lock-down celebrities that often walk the con floor freely, as crazed fans are potentially seen as a threat. I really hope this isn't the case, but something tells me security may be handled differently as Comic Con is a relatively high profile event these days.
Something tells me the stabbing victim won't be first in line to buy this shirt, but if you'd like to, it's available here.
As funny as this shirt is, I'm not sure fans are thinking about the consequence this incident may entail for the future of Comic Con. They may lock-down celebrities that often walk the con floor freely, as crazed fans are potentially seen as a threat. I really hope this isn't the case, but something tells me security may be handled differently as Comic Con is a relatively high profile event these days.
Something tells me the stabbing victim won't be first in line to buy this shirt, but if you'd like to, it's available here.
More kicks!
Not sure why I keep seeing more-and-more superhero shoes emerging on the market, not that I'm complaining, but I found these custom Batman and Robin Nike's I'd really like to get my hands on. What I like about these designs is the level of "personality" it captures, especially Robin's design, really capturing the elements of Robin. You can buy them here for £500.00. That translates to about $643.00!

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Bobby C?
I stumbled upon this sculptor earlier today, and was blown away at his sculpting accuracy. His work surpasses the best celebrity wax statue I've ever seen. Recreating exact copies in sculpt form, he goes by the handle, "Bobby C" who seems to be a legend within online prop making forums. This guy must have a hand in Hollywood somewhere, I'm sure of it. To see more of his work, click here.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Batman Art by Simon C. Page - Batman vs Penguin
I find minimalistic art intriguing for two reasons. One, they are iconic enough to only be recognized even if at a glance. Two, it tells a story with very little on the canvas. Superhero minimalistic art demonstrates how ingrained they are into our culture. At quick glance... you'll get it. But take a closer look.

To see more of Simon C. Page work, click here.
To see more of Simon C. Page work, click here.
The Walking Dead Official Trailer
A little late on the subject, but I finally got around to seeing the official trailer for the Walking Dead, a near page-by-page interpretation of the comic book published by Image Comics and put together by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard. It's refreshing to see that they are staying faithful to the source material, even having writer Robert Kirkman on set to make sure everything is in order. Correct me if I'm wrong, but will this be the first television series that feature zombies?, If so, awesome! The Walking Dead will premiere on AMC Halloween night 10/9c.
UPDATE: Looks like the show is winning over critics. The Walking Dead has already been approved for a second season. Impressive considering the pilot hasn't even aired yet.
UPDATE: Looks like the show is winning over critics. The Walking Dead has already been approved for a second season. Impressive considering the pilot hasn't even aired yet.
Batman: Arkham City Screenshots!
The anticipated sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum titled "Batman: Arkham City" has released a plethora of screen shots. Rocksteady Studios and WB Interactive provided a good mix of cinematic shots and actual game play. Batman: Arkham Asylum's greatest strength was the level of detail they included in the game. You don't have to be a die hard Batfan to understand the "who's-who" references, but they included some great references that only comic readers would smile at, namely myself. With an updated Harley design along with new villains, I can already tell this game is going to be top-notch with detail. I can't express enough how excited I am about this game, Fall 2011 can't arrive soon enough! I'll be first in line if they do another midnight release.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Converse gets a touch of DC Comics
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler!
Star Trek has Tiberius Cologne for Men. Star Wars will be pushing their own line of fragrances from a galaxy far far away. Slave Leia's scent looks like a decent bottle of perfume, but Lando? Han Solo would've been a better choice. I can imagine Solo's tag line "Scent of a Scoundrel." I still think Captain Kirk still has the edge on this one!

Thursday, August 12, 2010
If you could sum up Galactus in one picture....
... this is it!

I'm not even a huge fan of Galactus. Frankly, if you ask me, no matter how you slice it... he's still wearing a skirt! However, I still can't get over the awesomeness of the exclusive SDCC Galactus. Not just for the figure, but the shear size of it being traditionally carded! Here it is next to the build-a-figure (BAF) version.
I'm not even a huge fan of Galactus. Frankly, if you ask me, no matter how you slice it... he's still wearing a skirt! However, I still can't get over the awesomeness of the exclusive SDCC Galactus. Not just for the figure, but the shear size of it being traditionally carded! Here it is next to the build-a-figure (BAF) version.
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