Friday, April 16, 2010

Movie review: Kick Ass

Kick Ass completely delivers as its title suggests! Imagine the cutest puppy you've ever seen, arming it to the teeth with an array of guns and tactical weapons, then setting it loose in a locked room full of bad guys. Add raw awkward teen humor and you've got Kickass in a nutshell. It's pretty safe to say the general public is unaware of this story, not knowing what to expect. Let's face it, the way it's marketed, it looks like a "cute hero flick." Well, they won't know what hit 'em after they see a pre-adolescent girl kill and dismember bad guys. If you're a fan of Mark Millar's comic that inspired this film, they followed the source material fairly well, making adjustments to fit the big screen.

I throughly enjoyed this movie. It was fun and violence with a side of blood shed and tears. It raises the question of real people attempting to be real superheroes. The real answer... you will vet your ass kicked... if unprepared! Since this is a film based on a comic, they spared no expence in adding subtle and blatant hints of inside-comic-humor which I found hilarious. What I really liked was how they quickly disolved potentially campy scenes or dialouge (that so many bad superhero flicks fall victim to) with American Pie style humor. As if they wanted to bring you back to reality and remind you this is a superhero flick... just have fun with it!

Hitgirl was definitely the highlight of this movie! She delivered a performance similar to that of Natalie Portman from The Professional. She's got quite the acting chops and it really showed well in this movie.

I highly recommend this movie as it gets an A+ in my book!   

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