Wondercon 2010 has come and gone, and I was able to attend one-of-three days. I would've preferred to have gone all three days, but I couldn't. In regards to my schedule, they couldn't have picked a worse weekend. In addition to Wondercon being scheduled during spring break and Easter weekend... I just had too many things going on. I was only able to attend on Friday. The only day it rained!
It was a cold rainy Friday and doors were scheduled to opened at 12:00PM. There were well over three hundred people lined-up to enter the exhibit hall when my friend Adam and I arrived. People in line were already getting con-exclusive fever, itching to make a mad dash for the Blackest Night figures. If you remember Comic Con 2009, people went ape-shit for these figures. The new Hal Jordan and Sinestro figures, exclusive to Wondercon, were no exception. I must admit, the fever was quite contagious, as I jumped in line to take a shot at the lottery. It was another hour to potentially get a winning ticket to buy these figures, so I didn't actually get onto the convention floor until 1:15PM. In the end, it was a waste of time, I didn't win.
Finally on the exhibit floor, the first thing I noticed was how crowded it was for a Friday. Again, the weekend schedule attributed to that. All the usual booths were there, as well as many familiar faces. You go to these things long enough, you begin to notice all the regular convention go'ers, greedy to hunters included. With cash in hand, I was ready to buy-up a storm and fill some holes in my collection. Unfortunately, Friday was not the day for deals, and I ended up not buying a thing. But I did walkout with some cool swag.
The day ended with my attendance of Kevin Smith's keynote. With Cop Out recently being released, he didn't have anything to promote beyond his usual raunchiness that we all love. He was not shy at all about his famous Southwest experience. Without further a due, here are some pics to share. Enjoy!
3 day badge and only attending 1 day!

Cosplayers in full effect!

She was soooo proud of this hat!

Mighty Mugs you'll never find at TRU

Custom Iron Man!

Geoff Johns

Q from TNG

Helen Slater