Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Warner Brothers creates "DC Entertainment"

With last week's announcement of Disney purchasing Marvel Comics for four billion dollars, it seems attention has now diverted to DC Comics, but with a little twist. DC Comic is not being sold, rather, Warner Brothers is creating a new entertainment arm named "DC Entertainment."

Am I the only one that gets the impression that Marvel sold to Disney because they were running low on cash? Remember, they've nearly gone bankrupt in the past. If you ask me, Warner Brothers announcement doesn't appear to be a response to the Disney/Marvel buyout. Rather, a preemptive move by Warner Brothers to bring more of DC Comic characters to life in the form of film, television, video games and other entertainment mediums. A way to rely less on flagship characters like Batman and Superman, and bring lesser known characters to the forefront. What makes me feel comfortable about this move is that they hold "DC Comics" as the "cornerstone of DC Entertainment." Does this mean "DC Comics" will now be referred to as "DC Entertainment" as well?

It's no secret that DC has a plethora of great characters with rich history and uber dedicated fans. I'm glad to see that DC is taking steps to unleash their strong comic potential.

You can find the original statement from WB here.

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