Today marks one week before the largest pop culture event that is San Diego Comic Con International. The full schedule of panels and guests from Thursday to Sunday has officially been announced on the official Comic Con website. I, for one, can't wait. However, there are some haters out there that feel Comic Con has mutated into a brand marketing fiasco, which isn't terribly untrue. Check out this article on "5 Reasons Why Comic Con Sucks!" Here were the 5 reasons in a nutshell:
5. Getting in - The crowds of people you have to fight to move anywhere.
4. Comic Con Security - The over zealous mall cops
3. Hall H - Hollywood panel central
2. Fat people
1. Where are the comics - As Hollywood has pretty much taken over
I've been going to SDCC for the last 8 years, and I can say that a lot has changed since I first started going. However, I wouldn't say things have gotten worse. It's just a different convention than what it used to be. Yes, it's not for everyone, especially the impatient and frugal lot, but it's definitely an experience to remember.
The five reasons listed above is a pretty one-sided exaggeration of what Comic Con is really like. Yeah, there are lines, fatties and uber nerds that fulfill every geek stereotype you can possibly imagine. The name itself, San Diego Comic Con International, is pretty self explanatory. What exactly did you expect? Even Disenyland isn't what it is in reality compared to what you see in the commercials. Oh, and the Big Macs you order at McDonald's will never look the way they do in television. Get over it! By the way, comics are very much prevalent at Comic Con. Unfortunately, it's not advertised the way Hollywood panels are. Just look at Artist Alley and you'll know what I mean. Also, I don't think Hollywood has spoiled Comic Con. If anything, it's bringing attention to the comic book medium, that the comics fanbase has a solid audience.
If you ask me, this is all part of the fun of it, and what makes this event so unique. The inconveniences are nothing in comparison to the events that happen at Comic Con. In addition to having access to industry celebrities, freebies, demos, first-hand industry news... there are great people to meet at Comic Con. When you're waiting in line, making friends and new acquaintances is awesome, especially when you share common interests with others. Even the assholes in line can be entertaining at times.
At Comic Con, it really boils down to being in the right place at the right time to get what you want. 80% of what you see or get is from sheer luck. If you go to Comic Con with a set agenda, be prepared to be sorely disappointed, because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of uber fans willing to go the extra mile to get the same thing you want, whether it be getting an exclusive toy or meeting a celebrity.
I'm a big fan of Comic Con, and I will continue to go no matter how crowded or Hollywood it gets. I'll be sure to blog my day-to-day experience for 2009. See you guys at Comic Con!
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