"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" faced a lot of uphill battles before it was released this weekend. The entire movie leaked a month early, swine flu and the terrible reviews (which I rarely trust). I had no expectations for this movie. In addition I did not expect to find myself paying for a full price ticket to see it.
Alas, I saw the movie... and I kind of liked it! Despite my reservations about the film that opened this weekend, I ended up watching it today. In fact, I literally just go out of the theater. When I found out that my friends had watched it before me, who generally aren't comic-movie fans, and were shocked that I didn't catch a pre-screening or midnight release, I almost felt a bit challenged to watch Wolverine for myself.
As the title suggests, this film concentrates entirely on Wolverine (aka Logan, James, Jimmy). The story focuses on WeaponX, his love life, his conflicted moral ethics and the path that leads him into Bryan Singer's X-Men universe. Don't let the title fool you, Wolverine is the star player but he's accompanied by many other familiar mutants such as Sabertooth, Deadpool, Cyclops, Gambit, Emma Frost, Blob,and a handful of other not-so familiar mutants. I couldn't help but notice how often Wolverine looked to the skies a yelled as if he were Captain Kirk yelling "Khaaaann!" Another thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was a lot of the tongue-and-cheek dialogue primarily coming from Sabertooth played by Liev Schreiber. "Look what the cat dragged in... oooh shiney..." c'mon! Really? How did those get past the editing floor? I must admit, it's still a bit hard to get over how debonair and tall Wolverine/Logan is portrayed on film. In the comics, he's a 5'2" grunt who could care less about looking good for the ladies. I'm not a Wolverine expert, but I do know he's not supposed to be a GQ model.
Overall, if you can look past some of the campy dialogue and some of the inconsistent continuity issues, Wolverine isn't half bad. Hitting an 87 million dollar weekend opening, despite the entire film being leaked... it's actually worth seeing.
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