There is something very disheartening about this headline: "Swine flu may hurt 'Wolverine' bow - Deadly outbreak could hurt pic's openingDeadly outbreak could hurt pic's opening" I don't know about you, but I think the health of a country is way more important than a pretty boy Wolverine.
Currently, Mexico is under high alert for a devastating strain of flu that has already claimed over 100 lives, the Swine Flu. Public places that are normally crowded with locals and tourists are now empty, including theaters. for fear of catching or spreading this deadly flu.
Variety is reporting concerns about Wolverine's opening box office weekend, how revenue could be greatly affected by the number of people avoiding theaters, specifically in Mexico. Although they acknowledge the tragic spread of this ongoing epidemic, I can't help but think WTF does Wolverine have to do with anything in the matter? Now where's my surgical mask?!?!
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