Having an unfortunate incident trying to hunt down Iron Man on Blu-Ray (my whole city managed to sell out... which I'm still bitter about) the day it was released, I decided to get ahead of the game and pre-order The Dark Knight on Blue-Ray. Yet again, my inner geek got the best of me. I ended up buying a DVD copy... go figure!
So last week they announced on the radio that select Best Buy's were going to throw a Batman Dark Knight release party for the DVD/Blu-Ray release. In addition to having a midnight release, they were going to host a costume contest and give away a bunch of prizes. Out of being a huge Batfan and pure amusement I decided to check it out.
When I arrived, the front of the store was lit by a gigantic Bat symbol spotlight that you could see from the freeway. I walked into the store to find a friend of mine already perusing the television aisle. We wondered if we could get away, being unnoticed, as they locked the doors to get ready for the festivities. There were signs everywhere, promoting the midnight release of The Dark Knight. Eventually, we got caught and were asked to leave. Walking out, we saw the fresh Dark Knight display stands and DVD's being assembled. It was oddly exciting. When we stepped out, there were about fifteen people in line so we jumped right in. Spontaneously, we managed to invite one other friend who was just about to go to sleep. Good thing he came.... he ended up winning a Best Buy gift card.
As it came down to the eleventh hour, sure enough, people were lined up. The line managed to extend to the bend of the building. My friends and I were within the first twenty people in line. Well, to make a long story short, here's what I walked away with:

Got more than I bargained for!
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