A review of
Watchmen came out, written by Joseph Baxter, that states reasons why Watchmen didn't quite make the box office dollar punch it should have for three reasons:
1. The economy
2. The Length
3. The R-Rating
Joseph Baxter also pointed out in his article that it would've been better to forego fanboy opinions [calling them temporary in the short-run] and make a movie that would appeal to the masses [presumably cutting out some sex and violence.
Sorry Joeph Baxter, I completely disagree with you. Why? Joel Shumacher's Batman and Robin. Need I say more? Sure, Batman and Robin raked in record breaking box office dollars among the Batman franchise pre Nolan, appealing to the masses, but look what we ended up with! A gay disco version of Batman which was ultimately crap.
Before you start making the "shut-up fanboy" comments, remember, Zack Snyder himself admitted he was making this movie for fanboys, as he's a self proclaimed fanboy himself. Despite the studio telling him what to leave out, he stuck to his guns and included scenes he felt were necessary, which equated to 90% of the graphic novel.
Studios are concerned about box office dollars, Snyder was concerned about making a faithfully adapted movie. Ask yourself this, are you more concerned about how much revenue a movie makes or simply watching a good movie.