Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wolverine... I can dance! I can sing!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Hannah Montana has a signature PSP?
Star Wars, God of War, Jax & Daxter... what to they all have in common? They've all had a themed PSP design or bundle pack release. It looks like Hannah Montana is jumping on board. You can read the full article here.

As a daily commuter into San Francisco, it's not uncommon to find a handful of women playing a Nintendo DS. It seems texting friends and chatting away on a cell phone is the preferred MO for women. Come to think of it, I've never seen a PSP in the hands of a woman, and I don't think I ever will. I can imagine the same goes for tween girls.

As a daily commuter into San Francisco, it's not uncommon to find a handful of women playing a Nintendo DS. It seems texting friends and chatting away on a cell phone is the preferred MO for women. Come to think of it, I've never seen a PSP in the hands of a woman, and I don't think I ever will. I can imagine the same goes for tween girls.
Spaceballs is among us!
Who would of thought that the technology of Spaceballs would be a reality. What's next... Waterworlds technology to turn urine into drinkable water. Hmm... I bet they actually have the technology to do that... it's just taking them a long time to spin a poitive marketing message.
From this....

To this....
From this....

To this....
Monday, February 23, 2009
Comic convention season here we come!
Hot Toys Joker 3.0!
Skynet is more real than you think!
I hope I'm not the only one that finds this kind of stuff scary! I'm all about moving technology forward, but watching movies like Terminator and I-Robot puts a little shake in my knees when seeing videos like this. However, I am a believer in stem cell research, so maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Or maybe they just haven't made any cool movies regarding stem cell research to scare the pants off of me.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Fingers crossed!
Oscar! Oscar! Oscar! It seems as if Hollywood is already assuming Heath Ledger already has the Oscar won for Best Supporting Actor. I'm really hoping this is so! His performance was really outstanding, and with his tragic death, it seems this would be a great way to have his career go full-circle. What I'm more anxious to see, is who would deliver the acceptance speech. It seems like a lot to handle for just one person to speak on Ledger's behalf, but I think it would be great to see his daughter Matilda there.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ohhhh Munn!
I love this girl! Can Atari look any hotter? Olivia Munn, you can push my Atari buttons anytime!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
When you think Miley Cyrus couldn't get more annoying!

It turns out the Asian community is really upset about the picture above, where Miley Cyrus was slanting her eyes, which is the photographic equivalent of calling a black guy a ni**er. The Asian community is so outraged, that a $4 billion dollar class action lawsuit has been filled against her.
A while back I remember watching some interview with Miley and her dad [ol' Billy Ray], and they came off really humble. They both expressed how quickly fame came into their lives, and how quickly it could go away.... so just enjoy the ride for what it is. If you've seen her in the media lately, she's deviated far from that interview.
Personally, I'm siding with the Asain community on this one. I'm sure it was in good humor, but they are clearly mocking asians with their stereotypical gestures. I'm sure the class action lawsuit seems paltry, but what if they took the same picture in "black face?" Yeah... pretty messed up right? They have every right to be angry.
One thing I'd like to point out... doesn't it seem ironic that the only person not slanting their eyes in the picture, is the one who really HAS slanted eyes?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pride and Predator?
Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Autin, tells the story about five sisters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet - in Georgian England. Their lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man (Mr. Bingley) and his best friend (Mr. Darcy) arrive in their neighborhood.
Now throw a Predator into that story somehow and you've got "Pride and Predator?!?!"
Now throw a Predator into that story somehow and you've got "Pride and Predator?!?!"
Don't cross the streams!!!

"In a freak accident, two submarines carrying nuclear weapons, one French and the other British, collided while submerged on operational patrols in the Atlantic earlier this month, the countries' defense ministries said Monday."
As VAST as the ocean is... these two subs sailed directly into the same path? Nuclear no less!!! Didn't they learn anything from Titanic?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Guitar Heroics

I don't know how to play the guitar, but there is something very empowering about Guitar Hero that makes me feel like a rock gawd!
Unfortunately, word on the street is that Guitar Hero and Rock Band are seeing slumping sales compared to this time last year. Global economic meltdown aside, I think what's missing here is the lack of new songs. In addition is doesn't help that Guitar Hero World Tour decided to market their product with a pot-head, a roid-head and a wife cheater. Phelps, ARod and Kobe respectively. Tony Hawk, please don't follow in their footsteps!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Here's a tip!
Are you a fan of Dim Sum? I sure am. There's nothing more fun than getting an appetizer-size plate of everything asian. So after we finished our brunch, our waitress tallies up our bill of stamps, and we to take our bill to the front counter to pay a different lady. We racked up a $30 bill and I handed the lady $40. As she hands me my change she says, "TIP IS NOT INCLUDED!" WTF!?!?! At this point, a few thoughts flash in my head:
1. Who does our tip go to, because we get a good mixture of good service and shitty service.
2. Did it occur to her that I already left a tip at the table? (I didn't)
The tradition of tipping has been horribly skewed by notions of karma. Isn't tipping a gesture of rewarding good service. Not a requirement to fulfill government's duty of taxing the service profession. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cheap. By all means, I tip generously when service stands out and I'm a true beleiver in rewarding hard work. In this case, yelling "TIP IS NOT INCLUDED!" was really uncalled for. I gave her a dead stare in the face as she kept her eyes down at the cash register, trying to figure out what prompted her to say that?
I didn't leave a tip. Good thing I only go to this place once every few months.
1. Who does our tip go to, because we get a good mixture of good service and shitty service.
2. Did it occur to her that I already left a tip at the table? (I didn't)
The tradition of tipping has been horribly skewed by notions of karma. Isn't tipping a gesture of rewarding good service. Not a requirement to fulfill government's duty of taxing the service profession. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cheap. By all means, I tip generously when service stands out and I'm a true beleiver in rewarding hard work. In this case, yelling "TIP IS NOT INCLUDED!" was really uncalled for. I gave her a dead stare in the face as she kept her eyes down at the cash register, trying to figure out what prompted her to say that?
I didn't leave a tip. Good thing I only go to this place once every few months.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Watch MAN!
If you've read the Watchmen, you'll probably get a kick out of this! What I really like about Zack Schneider, beyond his kick-ass comic-to-film interpretation, is how he's going full circle with The Watchmen.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Get Your HeartOn!
So Valentine's day is around the corner and I just wanted to weigh-in on this ridiculous tradition of flowers, chocolate and Hallmark cards. I'm not opposed to showing your significant other some love, but why is one day a year needed to remind people of it? Shouldn't you be doing those things anyway when maintaining a relationship?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
"Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the "Star Trek" feat of teleportation. No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter — about a yard."What I want to know is when we can start mass producing these!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Well... a man who dresses up as a bat clearly has issues?
"It's official: Christian Bale has some serious anger management issues! Bale went absolutely ballistic on the set of "Terminator Salvation" at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico a few months back. He threatened to stop production after Shane Hurlbut, director of cinematography, accidentally ruined a scene by walking onto the set. Judging by the clip, Bale sounded like he was ready to beat some serious ass. Execs from the movie taped his rant and sent it off to their insurance company just in case Bale bolted on them mid-production." -hollyscoop.com
Don't mistake this so-called outburst for some stuck up Hollywood princess not getting green Jelly Belly's in their luxury trailer. This is clearly a case of someone messing up and being reprimanded for it. Please not, I will try to set my man-crush for Christan Bale aside when analyzing this situation.
Sure, people make mistakes in the workplace. It's easy to accidentally spill a cup of coffee or forget a TPS report is due. By all meand, things like that are easily forgivable and is often resolved with a sincere apology. We've all done it, whether it be intentional or not. But doesn't it piss you off when it KEEPS HAPPENING? Bale points out two things that make his arguement credible and validates a verble beating. One, the guy has done this before. Two, questions the guy's professional integrity. In addition, you're dealing with a person [Bale] who takes their career seriously, where their career calls for wearing emotions on a deeper level than normal.
Sure, Bale could've handled the situation much more calmly. However, I'm sure that guy, and anyone else for that matter, will never make the mistake of messing up any of his scenes again!
Don't mistake this so-called outburst for some stuck up Hollywood princess not getting green Jelly Belly's in their luxury trailer. This is clearly a case of someone messing up and being reprimanded for it. Please not, I will try to set my man-crush for Christan Bale aside when analyzing this situation.
Sure, people make mistakes in the workplace. It's easy to accidentally spill a cup of coffee or forget a TPS report is due. By all meand, things like that are easily forgivable and is often resolved with a sincere apology. We've all done it, whether it be intentional or not. But doesn't it piss you off when it KEEPS HAPPENING? Bale points out two things that make his arguement credible and validates a verble beating. One, the guy has done this before. Two, questions the guy's professional integrity. In addition, you're dealing with a person [Bale] who takes their career seriously, where their career calls for wearing emotions on a deeper level than normal.
Sure, Bale could've handled the situation much more calmly. However, I'm sure that guy, and anyone else for that matter, will never make the mistake of messing up any of his scenes again!
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