Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek opens today!

Today embarks on a revolutionary trek (pun intended) as Star Trek, for a new generation of fans, officially hits theaters today. With JJ Abrams in the director's chair, along side an all star cast that seem to be mirror images of their Star Trek predecessors, I can't wait to see this movie tonight. I was surprised to find a full list of showings yesterday at my local theater, from 6:00PM to 12:01AM. Sign of the economic times presumably? Unfortunately, I was unable to make it, building even more anticipation for me to see it. A few friends of mine, closet Star Trek fans, managed to make it at 10:00PM last night and from what I'm hearing, they loved it. They are giving me the thumbs-up that I will like it just as much. I'll be back for a review sometime tonight.

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